HUD OAHMP Self-Registration 01/13/25-3/10/25
6 Steps To Secure OAHMP Funding
Step 1: Online Query Monday 1/13/25- 3/10/25 Self Registration: In Person Registration Volunteers in Group Settings use tablets to do online registration at all outreach events Step 2: 1st Applications Mailed, Email or In Person 2/3/2025- and Every Monday After until 3/3/2025. Qualification Step 3: Occupational Therapist- Initial In-Home Assessment of the 50 Application Chosen by Point System Occupy primary residence where home the modification will be installed Age at least 62 Low-income family income less than or equal to 80% of local area median (AMI) Not receiving project based rental assistance Physical condition of the primary residence Previous modification benefits received under this program Project under $5000 Modifications requires 5 days or less to complete Prioritize by Last Name, First by Name Alphabetical Order Step 4: Contractor For Work Order Step 5: The Modification Work! Step 6: Follow-Up Certified Aging in place Specialist goes back out and brings resources from outside of Home Modification *Requirements subject to change with or without notice to remain in compliance with funding rules and regulations.
1. Complete or gut rehabilitation, demolition of housing units, and demolition of detached buildings is not allowed. 2. Any work on a housing unit that is not a primary residence is not allowed. 3. Any work in tribally owned housing units is not allowed. 4. Purchase or Rental of Real Property. The purchase or rental of real property is not an allowable cost under this program. 5. Purchase or Lease of Equipment. The purchase or lease of equipment having a per unit cost in excess of $5,000 is not an allowable cost unless prior written approval is obtained from HUD. 6. Medical Treatment. Medical treatment costs are not allowable under this program. The cost of services delivered by a registered nurse are allowable as a component of an evidence-based model. 7. You must comply with the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (16 U.S.C. § 3501 et seq.). 8. You may not conduct construction, reconstruction, repair or improvement (as referenced in Section 3(a)(4) of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 (42 U.S.C. §§ 40014128)) of a building or mobile home which is located in an area identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as having special flood hazards unless: a. The community in which the area is situated is participating in the National Flood Insurance Program in accordance with the applicable regulations (44 CFR parts 59-79), or less than a year has passed since FEMA notification regarding these hazards; and b. Where the community is participating in the National Flood Insurance Program, flood insurance on the property is obtained in accordance with section 102(a) of the Flood Disaster Protection Act (42 U.S.C. § 4012a (a). Grantees are responsible for assuring that flood insurance is obtained and maintained. (However, for purposes of this program, a housing unit in a condominium (“condo”) or cooperative housing (“coop”) occupied by the older adult owner, renter, or shareholder for that unit as the primary residence is treated as being owner occupied, and may be eligible.) Beneficiary is the individual receiving direct services from the grantee. Also referred to as client. Beneficiaries must meet the eligibility requirements outlined in Section III.G of this NOFO The beneficiary must be: 1. The senior low-income occupant of the primary residence where the home modifications will be installed; 2. Elderly: For this NOFO, section I.A.4, above, defines this as being at least 62 years of age; 3. Low income: For this NOFO, section I.A. 4. above, defines this as having a family income less than or equal to 80% of local area median income (AMI) (see below); and 4. Not receiving project based rental assistance. Where the home is owned or rented by two or more individuals, at least one of the owners or renters must meet the criterion above. A home owned or rented by one member of a married couple, as recognized by the State, that is the primary residence of either or both members of the couple is eligible if the member(s) residing meet the senior and low-income beneficiary criteria above. Per-home benefit limits are not multiplied by the number of low income elderly adults residing in the home. Because the AMI low income determination under criterion 3 above is based on the jurisdiction in which the residence is located, family income and family size, (see dn, the total family income, not just the income of the senior homeowner/tenant, will be used to determine the low income eligibility. For 2024, the income limits for low-income households are shown for each part of the country at dn, and are based on the number of persons in the household. For determining income eligibility in subsequent years, see HUD’s Income limits website (as of the publication of this NOFO, at dn, which will list the income limits and the income limits methodology for that year. (Typically, the limits are changed in the spring.) Additional beneficiary criteria: 1. physical condition of the primary residence. 2. previous home modification benefits received under this program. * Restrictions subject to change with or without notice to remain in complaince with funding rules and regulations The grantee WILL comply with all civil rights and nondiscrimination
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